9:30 am
New York State Heat Pump Incentives:
Utility and NYSERDA Program Highlights
In this session, you will learn about a broad range of incentive programs offered by New York State. The NYS Clean Heat Rebate Program and heat pump related programs offered by NYSERDA be be presented by the utilities and NYSERDA program managers. This session is designed to create broad awareness of the NYS programs available and identify resources to access programs of interest to your project(s).
• Will Xai / NYSERDA
• Nicole Williams / NYSEG RG&E - NYS Clean Heat
• David Orellano / Con Edison - NYS Clean Heat
• Jonathan Tham / PSEG- Long Island Programs
• Hannah Morgan / NYSERDA - P-12 Program and FlexTech Program
• Cory Nicosia / NYSERDA - Marketing, Residential Contractor, & Training Programs
11:00 am
Catching Up on IRA Implementation
Like any major piece of new federal legislation, there are many grey areas which require further clarification. This panel will bring us up to date on federal government clarifications and perspectives on the ways to implement IRA provisions commonly encountered in geothermal heat pump projects. The starter list at time of publication includes: 1) IRS interpretations of the access to third party ownership of geothermal systems or subsystems, 2) NYSERDA’s status on a new program for IRA residential electrification programs known as HOMES and HER and 3) how tax-exempt organizations qualify and acquire direct payments in lieu of investment tax credits and 4) the current thinking on the 10% domestic content bonus.
• Zeyneb Magavi / HEET
• Ryan Dougherty / GeoExchange Organization
• Laura Geel / NYSERDA
• Jacob Goldman / Energy Tax Savers
• John Thomas / WaterFurnace International

1:30 pm
Review of Major Geothermal Drilling Techniques
This session will be packed with knowledgeable drillers describing the methods of drilling they know best. We’ll hear about mud rotary, air rotary, sonic, auger, angled, dual rotary and more! Sure to be an instant classic for our industry!
• Brock Yordy / The Developed Well Group
• Robert Meyer / Thermex Geothermal - Mud to Sonic
• Dmitry Kuravskiy / Celsius Energy - Angled Drilling & Air Rotary
• Derek McGladdery / Derex Drills - Dual Rotary
• Kim Ojanne / Rototec USA - Downhole Hammer & Job Site Productivity
2:30 pm
Geothermal Drilling Regulations:
Perspectives on potential changes
NY-GEO with other industry and environmental stakeholder groups were able to get new legislation passed which eliminated sections of the regulations for drilling geothermal boreholes deeper than 500 feet. As you might imagine, regulations are complicated. Simply eliminating aspects of the law that regulated boreholes beyond 500 feet now requires a new set of regulations with the goal prevent negative environmental impacts and promote worker safety while making permitting deeper geothermal boreholes less burdensome than in the past. NY-GEO is working with the DEC to help create new regulations by the end of 2024. This panel includes key members of the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) with oversight in this area, with other industry stakeholders. This session is a window into an ongoing, and very important process.
• Kevin Moravec / Barney Moravec, Inc.
• Carrie Friello / NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Division of Minerals Management
• Beth Guidetti / NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Division of Water
• David Rosick / Rosick Well Drilling
• Gino Di Rezze / GroundHeat
• David Hermantin / Brightcore Energy
No Presentation Deck
4:00 pm
The Refrigerants, They Are A-Changin'
Perspectives on HFC refrigerant phase down
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) is a chemical compound commonly found in today’s refrigerants, and widely used in heat pumps. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Office of Climate Change is proposing amendments to their “Hydrofluorocarbon Standards and Reporting.” The goal of this proposed rule is to implement recommendations of the NYS Climate Action Council Scoping Plan necessary to achieve the required statewide GHG emission limits and net zero goal outlined in the NYS Climate Act. This session offers a range of perspectives on the HFC phase down. We’ll hear the challenges faced by regulators, heat pump manufacturers and an equipment distributor. The panel includes a European heat pump manufacturer who will update us on the impacts of the aggressive HFC phase down seen in their country.
• Jay Egg / Egg Geo, Inc.
• Suzanne Hagell / NYS Department of Environmental Conservation - Office of Climate Change
• Jason Filler / Stark Tech
• Tim Hammond / WaterFurnace International
• Adrian Perez / Ecoforest