Until the new regulations for deeper closed-loop geothermal are implemented (likely sometime in late 2024), Geothermal Drillers are asked to voluntarily submit a Geothermal Borehole Information Form (Form) to NY-GEO starting October 20, 2023.
- Geothermal Drillers will submit this Form to NY-GEO only for closed loop boreholes deeper than 500 feet.
- NY-GEO will maintain this information in a database and make the information available to the DEC.
- This information will help in the development of appropriate regulations for deeper closed loop geothermal boreholes.
- This will also lend continuity to the recordkeeping of deeper boreholes prior to new regulations taking effect.
Note - the only geothermal technology addressed in the new law is closed loop. Open loop boreholes and any other geothermal technology deeper than 500 feet are still subject to the previous regulations.